We develop partnerships with US Companies to Create Dedicated IT Support and Software Development Teams in India

LA to New York. It does not matter where your Developers live!

The COVID pandemic has created a universal adoption of Work from Home in IT Solution Delivery processes. Currently Developers are working from their homes from LA to New York. 

We are an IT Solutions and Resourcing Company specializing in providing the best work from home Developers to seamlessly work within your teams, on your projects, for your clients!

LA to New York to New Delhi!

Through our dedicated partners in India, we have created a Service Model that enables us to bring the best Developers from India, "as a Service", to our US clients and removes all conventional barriers.  You pay one price and work directly with the Developers as part of your team. We take care of everything else. There are no overhead costs or additional paperwork involved. 

A 30 minute Call Could Solve all Your Developers Resource Challenges. You will Never Have to Turn Away Business for Lack of Available Resources and Position Yourself to Expand your Offerings to your Major Clients.

Explore our Developer Services in these high demand areas. 

Full Stack Developers, all aspects. 
Mobile Development, Native, Hybrid and PWA and more. 
Data Engineering, Data Science, Data Visualization
DevOps, Cloud Computing, DBAs, Network Admins and Information Security
ML, AI, IoT, Edge Computing
Salesforce Admins and Developers


Small Dev team or a large dedicated team.
Our Dedicated Developer Pools Scale to your needs.


We have a large database of qualified IT Candidates in over 50+ technologies that are ready to start working with you as members of your IT teams. Start now and choose from some of the best IT Talent India has to offer.


Need a bigger team with multiple capabilities? We can handle that. We support all major platforms and developer technologies and can scale you up as your needs grow. 


Do you need large multi functional teams? No Problem. We can setup fully managed DevOps, Dev and Support teams to fit your needs. These teams are dedicated to your product development AND process support needs using any of the major development technologies and cloud framework platforms that you choose.


We Succeed When You Succeed!

hire developers directly from India

Recruiter-Ninja is a service offering of IT Professionals. Our Principals  have over 3 decades of IT Solutions delivery expertise to the SME Marketplace. 


We bring our experience to work for you. Working with our partners in India, we recruit talent that are not only qualified but can also seamlessly work within your teams..


We are partner with major IT solution providers in India who bring decades of experience in managing excellent IT Talent to meet your needs. 


We understand first hand the value and challenges of Global resources Integration into local teams. .And we are always available to help you through the integration phases.

Why Global?
Expand your resource pool to work like the top Silicon Valley giants.

We bring Global Developers as a Service Offering to our clients. This means no barriers of any kind. You focus on Solutions and Development and we handle everything else.  

What Makes Us Different? Employee Satisfaction!

We make Global IT a Service Offering and a universal reality be removing the barriers of time, geography, language and travel. We have created a global resource eco-system that values the individual and the team, where-ever they may be. 


During your day, they work within your teams and platforms contributing real value to your enterprises.  


After work, they do what they like to do and live where they want to live. No long distance travel to a new culture or environment that is challenging and stressful. 


We actively support and resolve challenges within cross geographical teams to ensure a smooth integration and continued success and performance of the local teams.  


We take pride in successfully supporting your business goals. We take more pride in actively ensuring a good quality of life for our resources as they work with you. 


Years Working with Global Resources in the US. 

Our Engagement and Support Processes are centered around creating success for our Clients AND keeping our Resources happy.  


We comprehensively discover what you want in a candidate. We go beyond a job description and get into the real details of the job requirements.


You select the best fit candidates. We work with you for a seamless integration in your team.


We use our proprietary search and find the best set of matches from over 5,000 candidates in our database.


We provide continual support and resolutions as your teams and businesses grow.


Dedicated Developer Pools for IT Teams
A Service offering from
HighQuest Solutions LLC. 

585 678 1365
