- TensorFlow,
- Spark and Hadoop,
- R Programming,
- Apache Kafka,
- Weka, MATLAB,
- Google Cloud ML Engine,
- Amazon Machine Learning,
- Pytorch Jupyter Notebook,
- IBM Watson,
- H2O,
- Neural Network Architectures,
- Scikit Learn,
- TensorFlow,
- Theano,
- Caffe,
- MxNet,
- Keras,
- PyTorch,
- Auto ML,
- OpenNN,
- H20,
- Open Source AI Platform,
- Google ML Kit, Python,
- C, C++
- ML & AI,
- JavaScript and Python,
- Knowledge about how sensors work,
- UI-centric Approach,
- Node.js Development,
- Big Data,
- Security.
- GPS systems,
- Cloud Computing,
- Mobile, Hardware environment,
- IoT architecture,
- Embedded software development, Electrical Engineering,
- Circuit Design,
- Microcontroller Programing,
- Certifications:
- IoT Cisco,
- IoT Foundation AWS,
- IoT Microsoft,
- Certified IoT Professional (ICIP)
- We are uniquely positioned to help you meet your Edge Computing needs.
- We can bring developers skilled in specific IoT technologies and Cloud computing.
- With this combination, we can place resources that can be dynamic in developing your Edge Solutions.